Here we provide contact information and subject specific resources for private landowners on a variety of topics, such as forestry, grazing, and invasive species management.
Government agencies and other non-profit organizations in Colorado and New Mexico also offer resources and assistance to private landowners. Contact information for these resources can be found here.
Request for Proposal (RFP)
RFP for Fuels Reduction (Mastication) Brazos Complex
RFP for Fuels Reduction (Mastication) Rancho de la Roca
RFP Fuels Reduction (Mastication) Brazos Conservation Company
Chama Peak Land Alliance Youtube Channel
The Farm + Ranch Show Podcast with CPLA’s Program Director, Sage Faulkner
Backyard Biodiversity (educational series, 2024+)
Fresh Clean Water for your Backyard Wildlife
Leveraging Owls for Rodent Control
Kochia an Allergenic Invader to New Mexico
Native Trout and Biodiversity Challenges in Northern New Mexico
The Rainbow of Aspens Nature’s Clonal Masterpiece
Beyond Red-Genetics, Evolution, and Survival of North America’s Native Fox
Forest and Watershed Health
Chama Healthy Forest and Wood Utilization Study (CPLA and EcoSphere Environmental Services)
Regional Assessment of the Timber Economy in Southwest Colorado 2015: Analysis of Forest Conditions, Market Trends, Wood-Processing Facilities and Harvest Activities for Archuleta, Dolores, La Plata, Montezuma and San Juan Counties (Colorado Wood Utilization and Marketing Program)
Economic Effects of Wildfire Risk Reduction and Source Water Protection Projects in the Rio Grande River Basin in Northern New Mexico and Southern Colorado (Chris Huber, et al. 2019)
San Juan-Chama Headwaters Return on Investment Study for the Rio Grande Water Fund
Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Monitoring Protocol for Operational Forestry
UAV Monitoring of Changes in Forest Structure Caused by Forest Restoration Treatments
5-year Accomplishment Report to Rio Grande Water Fund
Rio Grande Water Fund 2014 Comprehensive Plan
CPLA Call to Action: Invest in critical watershed protection BEFORE a severe wildfire happens
climate and water
Soil for Water - website from NCAT, working to hold more water in your soil resources
Sample Drought Plans for Ranchers
The New Mexico Acequia Association Acequia Handbook
Engage NM Water 50 year draft water plan
NM Water Research and Resource Institute
Wildlife and fisheries
Return of the Native: Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout & Private Lands Stewardship
A Compilation of Mule Deer and Elk Population Data for the San Juan/Chama Basin (Watts)
Mule Deer and Elk Status Report for the San Juan/Chama Basin: 2014-2016 Update (Watts)
Fencing with Wildlife in Mind (Colorado Parks and Wildlife)
The Alliance Region includes a rich history of agricultural practices. The Alliance will provide resources and foster practices that are holistic and promote stewardship. Challenges facing agriculture will be substantial and the Alliance will work to implement opportunities that help farmers and ranchers in the region.
NM Department of Agriculture: New Mexico Department of Agriculture (
NM Healthy Soils Working Group: New Mexico Healthy Soil Initiative – NM Healthy Soil Working Group
NMSU Principles of Cover-Cropping: New Mexico Healthy Soil Initiative – NM Healthy Soil Working Group
Effects of Cover Crops in Soil Resources: ARID - Agroecosystem Resilience in Times of Drought (
NM Farm Service Agency: New Mexico State Office (
Colorado Farm Service Agency: Colorado State Office (
NM NRCS: New Mexico | Natural Resources Conservation Service (
Colorado NRCS: Colorado | Natural Resources Conservation Service (
Upper Chama SWCD: Upper Chama SWCD
Rio Arriba Cooperative Extension Services: Rio Arriba County Extension Office Home (
Archuleta County Cooperative Extension Services: Archuleta County Extension - Providing trusted, practical education to help you solve problems, develop skills and build a better future. (
Alcalde Center Home (
Southwest Beef – Tools for Ranch and Rangeland Resilience
Invasive Species Management
USDA National Invasive Species Information Center: A comprehensive list of various state specific resources.
Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Invasive Species Info
Colorado Department of Agriculture, Noxious Weed Species
New Mexico Department of Agriculture, Noxious Weed Information
New Mexico State University, Weed Database
Grazing Management
USDA: Grazing Management and Soil Health (publication)
National Grazing Lands Coalition
A Summary of Livestock Grazing Systems Used on Rangelands in the Western United States and Canada (University of Arizona Cooperative Extension publication)
Grazing Management: An Art and Science (Rangelands, October 2002, Vol 25, Number 5, pages 22-26)
Prescribed Fire and wildfire
Archuleta County Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP)
New Mexico Fire Information: An inter-agency effort to provide timely fire and restriction information for the state of New Mexico.
After Wildfire, A Guide For New Mexico Communities: Resources for communities and landowners to assist recovery after wildfire.
Fire Adapted NM Learning Network
New Mexico Prescribed Fire Council: The mission of the New Mexico Prescribed Fire Council is to encourage the exchange of information, techniques, and experiences among practitioners of prescribed fire in New Mexico, and to promote public understanding of the importance and benefits of safe prescribed fire use.
Controlled Burning on Private Land in New Mexico (Forest Stewards Guild publication)
The ABC's of a Controlled Burn (courtesy of The Nature Conservancy)
Click HERE to register to be notified of cooperative prescribed fire opportunities in New Mexico, opportunities to build knowledge of prescribed fire and to advance your wildland firefighter qualifications (Forest Stewards Guild).
Rio Arriba County Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). Other CWPPs in New Mexico can be viewed New Mexico State Forestry website.
Rio Arriba County Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) 2022 Draft Addendum