Corporate sponsorship for responsible land management...
The business community today recognizes the benefits of well-managed natural resources to the well-being of the economy.
Forest and watershed health is critical to both local and downstream communities. Recreation and tourism, particularly hunting and fishing, are directly dependent on healthy, functioning ecosystems that support abundant wildlife and maintain water quality and quantity. In turn, the service industries, such as lodging, restaurants, service stations and others, are reliant on a robust tourism and recreation economy that draws visitors to the region. The water of the Alliance region's watersheds support agricultural and forestry operations important to the rural economy of southern Colorado and northern New Mexico. Downstream, in the communities of Santa Fe and Albuquerque this water again supports people, agriculture, recreation, and industry. In fact, one-third of New Mexico's drinking water passes through the Alliance region.
One-third of the land in the Alliance region is privately owned and forms critical wildlife migration corridors, including for elk and mule deer, from high sub-alpine areas to lowland riparian habitats. Responsible land stewardship, like that practiced by members of the Alliance, supports abundant wildlife, water, and natural resources, which in turn support vibrant industry region-wide.
You can chose to automatically renew your sponsorship on a yearly basis; just click "Annually" in the form below under Donation Schedule. Of course, automatic renewals can be canceled at any time. Read our privacy and refund policy here.
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